Owned by Farmers. Run by Farmers.
Hall Road, Norwich, Norfolk. NR4 6DW.
Tel 01603 502690
Site sponsored by Norfolk Liquid Feeds Ltd
Prior to attending our sale, you must read the notices section as it contains vital safety information.

Terms & Conditions

Before buying or selling at any of our livestock markets it is essential that you are aware that these terms and conditions apply.


No filming or photography is permitted at the market without the prior consent of Stephen Lutkin or Penelope Lucas. In order for filming to take place, consent must be granted from Stephen or Penny PLUS the owner of the property/vehicle/livestock (and if applicable) PLUS the person in possession of the property/vehicle/livestock. A child under 18 cannot consent. It is important to note that you will have no control over footage once taken. The law relating to data both written and visual is changing with General Data Protection Regulations in May 2018. If you have any queries, please contact Penny.

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